The DfT provided three sets of grant funding to support bus services during the pandemic and recovery period

These were the Covid Bus Service Support Grant (CBSSG) from 17/3/20 to 31/8/21, Covid Bus Recovery Grant (CBRG) from 1/9/21 to 5/4/22 and the Local Transport Fund (LTF) from 6/4/22 onwards.  LTF is expected to end on 31/3/23




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,528.44 Community Transport 3,348 5,388
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £707.76 18 313 504
BSEVC £9,954.72 Community Transport 6,881 11,074
CATS £11,019.64 Community Transport 12,527 20,160
Chambers £1,048.48 375, 379, 461 464 747
Coach Services £31,499.88 200, 201, 332, 333 13,938 22,431
Felix Taxis £469.14 715 208 335
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £14,846.44 59, 70, 72, 972 6,569 10,572
Galloway £2,957.14 118, 119, 384 12,728 20,484
Hadleigh CT £9,261.39 Community Transport, 461 4,139 6,661
Ipswich Buses £7,499.20 173, 174 3,318 5,340
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,763.85 387 1,177 1,894
Mulleys £29,189.27 M33, M44, 312, 357, 358, 377, Bury Sundays 12,915 20,785
Suffolk Norse £3,327.76 72, 163, 173, 179, 300 2,945 4,740
TVN £10,834.44 Community Transport 13,075 21,042
Totals £141,907.55   94,545 152,155




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,528.44 Community Transport 3,348 5,388
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £707.76 18 313 504
BSEVC £9,954.72 Community Transport 6,881 11,074
CATS £11,019.64 Community Transport 12,527 20,160
Chambers £1,048.48 375, 379, 461 464 747
Coach Services £31,499.88 200, 201, 332, 333 13,938 22,431
Felix Taxis £469.14 715 208 335
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £14,846.44 59, 70, 72, 972 6,569 10,572
Galloway £2,957.14 384 1,308 2,105
Hadleigh CT £7,963.77 Community Transport, 461 4,250 6,840
Ipswich Buses £7,499.20 173, 174 3,318 5,340
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,867.81 300, 387 1,269 2,042
Mulleys £29,189.27 M33, M44, 312, 357, 358, 377, Bury Sundays 12,915 20,785
TVN £10,834.44 Community Transport 13,075 21,042
Totals £137,386.13   80,383 129,364




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,528.44 Community Transport 3,348 5,388
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £707.76 18 313 504
BSEVC £9,954.72 Community Transport 6,881 11,074
CATS £11,019.64 Community Transport 12,527 20,160
Chambers £1,048.48 375, 379, 461 464 747
Coach Services £31,499.88 200, 201, 332, 333 13,938 22,431
Felix Taxis £469.14 715 208 335
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £14,846.44 59, 70, 72, 972 6,569 10,572
Galloway £2,957.14 384 1,308 2,105
Hadleigh CT £7,963.77 Community Transport 4,139 6,661
Ipswich Buses £7,499.20 173, 174 3,318 5,340
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,867.81 300, 387 1,177 1,894
Mulleys £29,189.27 M33, M44, 312, 357, 358, 377, Bury Sundays 12,915 20,785
TVN £10,834.44 Community Transport 13,075 21,042
Totals £137,386.13   80,180 129,037




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,039.75 Community Transport 6,696 10,776
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £564.91 18 626 1,007
BorderBus £15,149.68 521, 522, 524 16,797 27,032
BSEVC £12,412.38 Community Transport 13,762 22,148
CATS £22,597.82 Community Transport 25,055 40,322
Chambers £836.86 375, 379, 461 928 1,493
Coach Services £25,142.24 200, 201, 332, 333 27,876 44,862
Felix Taxis £374.45 715 415 668
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £22,393.40 59, 70, 72, 99, 163, 173, 179, 972 24,828 39,957
Galloway £22,959.86 118, 119, 384 25,456 40,967
Hadleigh CT £7,466.05 Community Transport 8,278 13,322
Ipswich Buses £23,245.24 92, 93, 94, 111, 111A, 115, 116, 173, 174 25,773 41,478
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,289.00 300, 387 2,538 4,085
Mulleys £24,773.21 M33, M44, 312, 357, 358, 377, Bury Sundays 27,467 44,204
Simonds £55,370.92 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 61,391 98,799
Stephensons £5,556.90 16 6,161 9,915
TVN £23,584.81 Community Transport 26,149 42,083
Totals £270,757.50   300,196 483,119




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,666.85 Community Transport 6,557 10,552
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £568.62 18 631 1,015
BorderBus £14,767.29 521, 522, 524 16,408 26,406
BSEVC £12,123.18 Community Transport 2,085 3,355
CATS £22,476.55 Community Transport 24,581 39,559
Chambers £793.44 375, 379, 461 882 1,419
Coach Services £24,563.61 200, 201, 332, 333 27,293 43,924
Felix Taxis £373.68 715 42 68
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £29,059.89 59, 70, 72, 99, 115, 116 163, 173, 179, 972 32,291 51,967
Galloway £10,967.40 118, 119, 384 12,186 19,611
Hadleigh CT £8,197.75 Community Transport 8,108 13,049
Ipswich Buses £30,658.95 92, 93, 94, 111, 115, 116 34,005 54,726
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,099.88 300, 387 2,333 3,755
Mulleys £26,530.29 M33, M44, 111, 312, 357, 358, 377, Bury Sundays 29,477 47,439
Simonds £54,101.70 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 60,113 96,742
Stephensons £5,431.32 16 6,035 9,712
TVN £24,075.03 Community Transport 25,606 41,209
Totals £273,455.43   288,633 464,510




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,026.40 Community Transport 6,696 10,776
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £583.20 18 648 1,043
BorderBus £15,111.36 521, 522, 524 16,790 27,021
BSEVC £12,381.12 Community Transport 2,124 3,418
CATS £22,593.60 Community Transport 25,104 40,401
Chambers £793.44 375, 379, 461 882 1,419
Coach Services £25,086.24 200, 201, 332, 333 27,854 44,827
Felix Taxis £373.68 715 42 68
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £36,703.15 59, 70, 72, 73, 74, 99, 115, 116 163, 972 40,782 65,632
Hadleigh CT £7,452.00 Community Transport 8,280 13,325
Ipswich Buses £41,441.76 92, 93, 94, 111, 118, 119 46,046 74,104
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,152.80 300, 387 2,392 3,850
Mulleys £29,293.92 M33, M44, 111, 312, 357, 358, 377 31,957 51,430
Simonds £55,252.80 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 61,392 98,801
Stephensons £5,546.88 16 6,163 9,918
TVN £23,535.36 Community Transport 26,150 42,084
Totals £284,327.71   303,302 488,117




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,026.40 Community Transport 6,696 10,776
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £583.20 18 648 1,043
BorderBus £15,111.36 521, 522, 524 16,790 27,021
BSEVC £12,381.12 Community Transport 2,124 3,418
CATS £22,593.60 Community Transport 25,104 40,401
Chambers £793.44 375, 379, 461 882 1,419
Coach Services £25,086.24 200, 201, 332, 333 27,854 44,827
Felix Taxis £373.68 715 42 68
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £36,703.15 59, 70, 72, 73, 74, 99, 115, 116 163, 972 40,782 65,632
Hadleigh CT £7,452.00 Community Transport 8,280 13,325
Ipswich Buses £41,441.76 92, 93, 94, 111, 118, 119 46,046 74,104
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,152.80 300, 387 2,392 3,850
Mulleys £29,293.92 M33, M44, 111, 312, 357, 358, 377 31,957 51,430
Simonds £55,252.80 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 61,392 98,801
Stephensons £5,546.88 16 6,163 9,918
TVN £23,535.36 Community Transport 26,150 42,084
Totals £284,327.71   303,302 488,117




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,294.24 Community Transport 6,696 10,776
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £609.12 18 648 1,043
BorderBus £15,782.98 521, 522, 524 16,790 27,021
BSEVC £12,931.39 Community Transport 13,757 22,140
CATS £23,597.76 Community Transport 25,104 40,401
Chambers £828.70 375, 379, 461 882 1,419
Coach Services £26,201.18 200, 201, 332, 333 27,874 44,859
Felix Taxis £390.29 715 415 668
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £38,334.40 59, 70, 72, 73, 74, 99, 115, 116 163, 972 28,436 45,763
Hadleigh CT £7,783.20 Community Transport 8,280 13,325
Ipswich Buses £43,283.62 92, 93, 94, 111, 118, 119 46,046 74,104
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,248.48 300, 387 2,392 3,850
Mulleys £30,595.87 M33, M44, 111, 312, 357, 358, 377 32,549 52,383
Simonds £57,708.48 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 61,392 98,801
Stephensons £5,793.41 16 6,163 9,918
TVN £24,581.38 Community Transport 26,150 42,084
Totals £296,964.50   303,574 488,555




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £5,900.85 Community Transport 6,278 10,103
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £563.44 18 599 964
BorderBus £14,704.89 521, 522, 524 15,644 25,177
BSEVC £12,123.18 Community Transport 12,897 20,756
CATS £22,122.90 Community Transport 23,535 37,876
Chambers £828.70 375, 379, 461 882 1,419
Coach Services £24,563.61 200, 201, 332, 333 26,132 42,055
Felix Taxis £390.29 715 415 668
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £35,938.50 59, 70, 72, 73, 74, 99, 115, 116 163, 972 26,658 42,902
Hadleigh CT £7,296.75 Community Transport 7,763 12,493
Ipswich Buses £40,578.39 92, 93, 94, 111, 118, 119 43,169 69,474
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,082.66 300, 387 2,216 3,566
Mulleys £27,692.87 111, 312, 357, 358, 377 29,460 47,411
Simonds £54,101.70 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 57,555 92,626
Stephensons £5,431.32 16 5,778 9,299
TVN £23,045.04 Community Transport 24,516 39,455
Totals £277,365.10   283,497 456,244




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,163.11 Community Transport 6,557 10,552
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £593.89 18 632 1,017
BorderBus £15,423.61 521, 522, 524 16,408 26,406
BSEVC £12,661.99 Community Transport 13,470 21,678
CATS £23,106.14 Community Transport 24,581 39,559
Chambers £828.70 375, 379, 461 882 1,419
Coach Services £25,655.33 200, 201, 332, 333 27,293 43,924
Felix Taxis £390.29 715 415 668
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £37,535.77 59, 70, 72, 73, 74, 99, 115, 116 163, 972 27,843 44,809
Hadleigh CT £7,621.05 Community Transport 8,108 13,049
Ipswich Buses £42,381.87 92, 93, 94, 111, 118, 119 45,087 72,560
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,193.21 300, 387 2,333 3,755
Mulleys £28,456.34 111, 312, 357, 358, 377 30,273 48,720
Simonds £56,506.22 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 60,113 96,742
Stephensons £5,672.71 16 6,035 9,712
TVN £24,069.26 Community Transport 25,606 41,209
Totals £289,259.50   295,636 475,780




Miles supported

Km. supported

BACT £6,425.37 Community Transport 6,836 11,001
Big Green Bus Company/Star Cabs £624.35 18 664 1,069
BorderBus £16,142.34 521, 522, 524 17,173 27,637
BSEVC £13,200.80 Community Transport 14,043 22,600
CATS £24,089.38 Community Transport 25,627 41,243
Chambers £828.70 375, 379, 461 882 1,419
Coach Services £26,747.04 200, 201, 332, 333 28,454 45,792
Felix Taxis £390.29 715 415 668
First in Norfolk & Suffolk £39,133.04 59, 70, 72, 73, 74, 99, 115, 116 163, 972 29,028 46,716
Hadleigh CT £7,945.35 Community Transport 8,453 13,604
Ipswich Buses £44,185.36 92, 93, 94, 111, 118, 119 47,006 75,649
Minibus & Coach Hire £2,303.75 300, 387 2,451 3,945
Mulleys £29,667.25 111, 312, 357, 358, 377 31,561 50,793
Simonds £58,910.74 112, 113, 114, 304, 338 62,671 100,859
Stephensons £5,914.10 16 6,292 10,126
TVN £25,093.49 Community Transport 26,695 42,961
Totals £301,601.34   308,251 496,082

From 1/9/21 CBSSG was replaced by the Covid Bus Recovery Grant (CBRG) which was allocated to operators by the same methods as CBSSG


By operator Periods 1-3 combined 1/9/21-23/11/21 Period 4 24/11/21-21/12/21 Period 5 22/12/21-18/1/22 Period 6 19/1/22-15/2/22 Period 7 16/2/22-5/4/22 CBRG Uplift 1/4/22
BACT £4,826.98 £1,586.95 £1,256.34 £1,586.95 £2,248.18 £8,826.22
Borderbus £12,026.75 £3,979.32 £3,258.13 £3,979.32 £6,782.61 £23,034.18
BSEVC/CTEA £9,916.93 £3,260.36 £2,581.12 £3,260.36 £4,618.85 £18,133.30
CabsSmart £7,816.26 £2,574.77 £2,023.03 £2,574.77 £4,413.89 £14,884.55
CATS £18,096.85 £5,949.65 £4,710.14 £5,949.65 £8,428.67 £33,090.43
Chambers £626.82 £208.94 £208.94 £208.94 £365.64 £1,242.21
Coach Services £20,093.38 £6,606.04 £5,229.78 £6,606.04 £11,285.32 £38,219.22
Felix Taxis & Co. £295.21 £98.40 £98.40 £98.40 £172.20 £585.03
First in Norfolk & Suffolk  £29,398.21 £9,665.16 £7,651.59 £9,665.16 £16,511.32 £55,917.74
Hadleigh CT £5,968.85 £1,962.36 £1,553.54 £1,962.36 £2,780.01 £10,914.15
Ipswich Buses £33,193.70 £10,913.00 £8,639.46 £10,913.00 £18,643.04 £63,137.07
Minibus & Coach Hire £1,845.28 £614.30 £518.84 £614.30 £1,044.79 £3,557.62
Mulleys Motorways £22,287.15 £7,327.28 £5,800.76 £7,327.28 £12,517.44 £42,391.94
Simonds £44,255.96 £14,549.90 £11,518.67 £14,549.90 £24,856.09 £84,178.38
Star Cabs £460.73 £153.58 £130.54 £153.58 £261.08 £889.49
Stephensons of Essex £4,442.90 £1,460.68 £1,156.37 £1,460.68 £2,495.33 £8,450.75
TVN £18,851.17 £6,197.64 £4,906.47 £6,197.64 £8,780.00 £34,469.72
Go Start            
Totals £234,403.11 £77,108.35 £61,242.12 £77,108.35 £126,204.45 £441,922.00

Local Transport Fund

Operator Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
BACT £1,674.00 £1,339.20 £1,116.00 £725.40 £446.40 £279.00
Borderbus £4,587.60 £3,670.08 £3,058.40 £1,987.96 £1,223.36 £764.60
BSEVC/CTEA £3,439.20 £2,751.36 £2,292.80 £1,490.32 £917.12 £573.20
CabsSmart £2,328.00 £1,862.40 £1,552.00 £1,008.80 £620.80 £388.00
CATS £6,276.00 £5,020.80 £4,184.00 £2,719.60 £1,673.60 £1,046.00
Chambers £1,322.40 £1,057.92 £881.60 £573.04 £352.64 £220.40
Coach Services £6,968.40 £5,574.72 £4,645.60 £3,019.64 £1,858.24 £1,161.40
Felix Taxis & Co. £622.80 £498.24 £415.20 £269.88 £166.08 £103.80
First in Norfolk & Suffolk  £10,195.32 £8,156.26 £6,796.88 £4,417.97 £2,718.75 £1,699.22
Hadleigh CT £2,070.00 £1,656.00 £1,380.00 £897.00 £552.00 £345.00
Ipswich Buses £11,511.60 £9,209.28 £7,674.40 £4,988.36 £3,069.76 £1,918.60
Minibus & Coach Hire £765.60 £612.48 £510.40 £331.76 £204.16 £127.60
Mulleys Motorways £7,729.20 £6,183.36 £5,152.80 £3,349.32 £2,061.12 £1,288.20
Simonds £15,348.00 £12,278.40 £10,232.00 £6,650.80 £4,092.80 £2,558.00
Star Cabs £194.40 £155.52 £129.60 £84.24 £51.84 £32.40
Stephensons of Essex £1,540.80 £1,232.64 £1,027.20 £667.68 £410.88 £256.80
TVN £6,537.60 £5,230.08 £4,358.40 £2,832.96 £1,743.36 £1,089.60
Totals £83,110.92 £66,488.74 £55,407.28 £36,014.73 £22,162.91 £13,851.82

Local Transport Fund

Rather than generalised support for the industry, the grant was used in this period for targeted support to specific services.

Operator Services Funds
Ipswich Buses 92/93 £104,494.91
  118/119 £13,663.14
First Bus Park & Ride £188,986
  Rural Routes £296,997
Stephensons Services from Newmarket £150,000


Local Transport Fund

Rather than generalised support for the industry, the grant was used in this period for targeted support to specific services.

NOTE: Figures quoted are up to 30/11/23 only

Operator Services Funds
Ipswich Buses 92/93 £74,951.36
  118/119 £15,458.87
First Bus Park & Ride £110,175
  Rural Routes £157,789
Beestons 91 £5,000



1: Miles supported = daily averages based on contracts for numbered services and 2019/20 reports for Community Transport multiplied by days operated per period.

2: Ipswich Buses also in receipt of £101,000 for 2020/21 and £100,000 for 2021/22 financial years from CBSSG funds to sustain operations on routes 92 and 93.

3: Connecting Communities operators were also eligible to reclaim PPE costs through the CBSSG scheme. For Suffolk these claims totalled: BACT - £2,208; BSEVC - £16,783.25; CATS - £1,376; Hadleigh CT (for sub-contractor GoStart) - £113.34 and TVN - £2,133.76

4: Suffolk CC claimed £10,000 to cover social distancing signage and other publicity material to promote safe travel during the pandemic.